VCI™ in the News
- Microsoft Safer sharing of health records with SMART Health Cards
- Forbes It’s Now Easier To Get Digital Proof Of Your Vaccine Record — No Matter Where You Live
- State of New York: State of New York Announces Support for SMART Health Cards Framework developed by VCI
- Patient Engagement HIT: State of California joins Walmart and Apple in implementing SMART Health Cards for the Vaccine Credential Initiative
- New York Times: California’s vaccine records had been created according to an open-source SMART Health Card framework developed by the Vaccine Credential Initiative
- NBC Bay Area: Tutorial - Here's How to Get Your Digital COVID-19 Vaccine Record
- State of California: State of California Embraces Open-source SMART Health Card framework
- Apple: iOS 15 to Bring Support for SMART Health Cards
- Walmart: Walmart Uses SMART Health Cards Standard Defined by VCI
- CNN: Vaccine passport apps could help us return to normal. First they need to solve the trust problem
- USA Today: New York launches nation's first 'vaccine passports.' Others are working on similar ideas, but many details must be worked out.
- Washington Post: ‘Vaccine passports’ are on the way, but developing them won’t be easy
- Boston Globe: Been vaccinated? You may have to prove it
- Reuters: Microsoft, Cigna form coalition for digital records of COVID-19 vaccination
- Wall Street Journal: Tech Companies Join Effort Focused on Covid-19 Vaccine Records
- FastCompany: Tech giants want to help you prove you’ve been vaccinated for COVID-19
- Forbes: A New Coalition Forms To Make Digital Vaccine ID Cards A Reality
- Financial Times: Health and tech groups aim to create digital Covid ‘vaccination passport’
- Healthcare Innovation: Coalition Seeks to Accelerate Digital Access to COVID-19 Vaccination Records
Updates from the Coalition
Over 150 million Americans can now access their COVID-19 vaccination records in verifiable digital formats
October 27, 2021 Press ReleaseGlobal SMART Health Cards Forum brings together government and industry leaders to present nation-wide framework for vaccination verification
VCI™ Directory: Issuer Types
October 25th, 2021With complex and evolving requirements for verifying vaccines and lab tests around the world, it’s important that the issuers of SMART Health Cards are well understood and trusted by verifiers. As a basis of trust, VCI’s Issuer Directory and the CommonTrust Network include clinical and government organizations responsible for health data management. We applaud the network and platform vendors who have built infrastructure for hundreds of clinical and government organizations to make SMART Health Cards available to hundreds of millions of individuals. Please read our post on “VCI Directory: Issuer Types” for more information.

VCI™ Members Target Month of May for Availability of Verifiable Vaccination Credentials
April 1, 2021VCI, a broad coalition of leading healthcare and technology organizations, continues to grow and is on track to publish freely available, openly licensed implementation guides for vaccination credentials in April, with availability to consumers to begin in May. These specifications establish an equitable, privacy-preserving approach to sharing verifiable clinical data in digital and paper form. If widely adopted, this approach enables individuals to show proof of vaccination to safely return to school, work, travel, and public events with organizations that adopt these specifications.
Broad Coalition of Health and Technology Industry Leaders Announce Vaccination Credential Initiative to Accelerate Digital Access to COVID-19 Vaccination Records
January 14th 2021 Press Release- The Vaccination Credential Initiative (VCI™) is working to enable individuals vaccinated for COVID-19 to access their vaccination records in a secure, verifiable and privacy-preserving way.
- Coalition partners include CARIN Alliance, Cerner, Change Healthcare, The Commons Project Foundation, Epic, Evernorth, Mayo Clinic, Microsoft, MITRE, Oracle, Safe Health, and Salesforce.
- The coalition is developing a standard model for organizations administering COVID-19 vaccines to make credentials available in an accessible, interoperable, digital format
- Trustworthy, traceable, verifiable, and universally recognized digital record of vaccination status is urgently needed worldwide to safely enable people to return to work, school, events, and travel.
Note to Editors
- The Commons Project Foundation media queries should be addressed to Samantha Pierce,
- MITRE media inquiries should be addressed to
- Evernorth media inquiries should be addressed to